On How to Be Happy


I was on the bus, coming back to my hometown after meeting Mr Bond with a bag full of books and a heart full of memories. I read the first page of the book 'How to Be Happy'. But people were not happy with my new venture of stepping a stone ahead of being a happy person. They were sulking over why the lights were on. So, I switched off the lights and let them have their share of happiness to sleep peacefully in the dark. I'll learn to be happy some other day. And that day came with the dawn when I was not asked to switch off the sunlight. And here I am, taking lessons from the loveliest, happiest, and bubbliest person- Ruskin Bond- on how to be happy.

In the era of blooming self-help literature, this simple yet charming book is a therapy of the best kind. This is in no way a self-help book. No! This is a typical Ruskin Bond book. This is the Ruskin Bond as who he is. He takes you towards happiness in his own way. You read the first page of the book, and, lo, you are smiling. You turn to the second page, and some tension from the workplace starts fading up. You turn a few more pagesand you think how simple it is to be happy.

This book is like your favourite music to the ears; a warm hug on the cold nights; a friendly pat on the shoulder in your difficult times.

This is a book full of colours and will bring different colours of happiness to your life. Thank you, Ruskin Bond, for this gem. Thank you, Cambridge Book Depot, Mussoorie, for an autographed copy of the book.

This book is full of life. It is the celebration of the simplest of the joys of life.

Pick up the book.

Read it.

Enjoy ♥️

-Ekta Kubba
