Hold on to Your Dreams


Every year, on the occasion of his birthday, Mr. Bond engages with his fans by releasing a new book in which he generously shares the wisdom and experiences he has gathered over the years. It's a remarkable tradition that has earned Mr. Bond a devoted following. This year, his latest book, 'Hold on to Your Dreams', is a heartfelt letter to his young friends, encompassing individuals from infancy to old age. The book is a testament to Mr. Bond's unique ability to offer guidance and inspiration to a wide range of people, making it a timeless and treasured piece of literature. Mr Bond writes,

"Hold on to your dreams. Don't let them go." 

This simple yet powerful statement encourages perseverance and determination. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining hope and striving towards one's aspirations despite challenges. This message inspires the readers to keep pursuing their goals and not to give up, even when faced with obstacles.

As I delved into this captivating book and was on page 5, I stumbled upon a few lines that begged to be cherished. This trend continued onto the next page and the next, each one adorned with words that spoke to me. As a connoisseur of fine books (covers, papers, printing, fonts, and colours), I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer beauty of this book. Its pages, with a texture so exquisite, beckoned to be caressed for hours on end. Refusing to taint its splendour with a highlighter, I made a conscious choice to transcribe every sentence that resonated with me. This decision proved to be a stroke of genius, for upon finishing the book, I realized that I had transcribed nearly every word into my diary. Each word held immeasurable value, and every thought was akin to a soothing balm for the soul.

-Ekta Kubba
