Bonding With The Bond: Aspiration to Contentment


I could sense the anticipation and excitement in the air as I overheard someone saying, "I'm going to meet him for the first time." There was a palpable emotional energy as people shared their feelings about him. Some had travelled from faraway places just for this momentous occasion, with one person making the journey from Assam, one from Kolkata and the one all the way from Mumbai who said he comes every year on his birthday just to see him. The thoughtful gifts, such as the potted plants, handwritten letters, paintings, sketches, poems, and stories, all spoke to the deep admiration and respect people had for him as they prepared for his 90th birthday. As I stood in line, volunteering to collect birthday wishes for the bookstore, I couldn't help but wonder why I felt so detached from the occasion. I had no questions, no gifts, and no words to share with him, and I found myself surprisingly unconcerned about whether I would actually get to meet him that day. The reasons behind my lack of preparation and anticipation were unclear to me. But, I think, I can try to find out the reason behind this detachment. Let's go back a little in the past.

The year 2001: Ruskin Bond! Who is he? I've never heard the name. Anyway, I don't like reading foreign authors.

The year 2004: The Eyes Have It. 'How beautiful is the story! I could reminisce over several train journeys I have made till now. How beautifully the writer has set the story! Who is the author? Ruskin Bond! What? A foreign author writing in the Indian setting!' I could not know anything further than that as Google or any other search engine or, more specifically, the internet was foreign to me.

The year 2008: I visited a bookstore in Chandigarh and purchased a few books. There I found a book by Ruskin Bond, 'Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra'. Here starts my never-ending wanderings in the world of Ruskin Bond. My collection of his books slowly starts growing. I join some fan groups on Facebook. I start reading people's blogs about him. I came to know that he was born and brought up in India only. He is as Indian as I am. Then, suddenly, I came to know that he meets his fans every week at Cambridge Book Depot, Mussoorie. A newbie as a solo traveller, I put Mussoorie on the top of my travel bucket list. But, still, it took three years to realise my dream. Yes, it was a dream. I wanted to meet him. I wanted to talk to him. I had made a list of questions to ask from him. I wanted to know whether he actually sold the first edition of Alice In Wonderland as was in the book Vagrants In The Valley, where Rusty takes help from Mr. Pettigrew to have this first edition of the book sold that belonged to his grandfather. If yes, this might be heartbreaking. It was for me, at least. And I had many more questions.

I was beyond excited to meet him. I had been waiting at the first spot in line for three hours, and when he finally arrived, I was completely captivated. As he stepped out of the car in front of Cambridge Book Depot, it felt like he had walked straight out of the pages of a book. Despite the commotion around the shop, I was completely lost in the moment, entranced by his presence. Mr. Sunil Arora ushered me forward to meet Mr. Bond. As I greeted him, I found myself at a loss for words. I couldn't recall any of the questions I wanted to ask him. In my excitement, I began speaking to him in Hindi. He was incredibly gracious, engaging in a conversation with me in Hindi while signing my books. He even asked me about my hometown and shared anecdotes about his time in Punjab. As I left, I was filled with joy, unable to contain my excitement. took a moment to catch my breath before sharing the news and photos with my family and friends. It was surreal to finally meet him, and for a long time, I couldn't believe that my dream had become a reality. After coming back from there, I enthusiastically shared my journey from being a fan to the incredible experience of meeting Mr Bond in the birthday wish contest organized by Cambridge Book Depot. I felt incredibly fortunate when Mr Bond not only read my submission but also chose me as one of the winners. This was the year 2017.

visited Mussoorie again after a gap of six years to attend Mr. Bond's birthday celebration at the Cambridge Book Depot. I was thrilled to be inside the bookstore as part of the CBD team. Standing behind Mr. Bond, hidden among the piles of books, I observed the increasing joy on his face as he met more and more people. When Mr. Sunil Arora introduced me to Mr. Bond, he uttered only five words, "Yes! Yes! I know You." This recognition left me feeling overwhelmed. took the opportunity to wish him a happy birthday, and he thanked me for creating a fan group that brought together thousands of fans on a single platform. The joy I felt at that moment was indescribable.

This year, on 19th May 2024, Mr Bond was coming once again to Cambridge Book Depot to celebrate his birthday. Fighting all the odds, I reached there way ahead of time. My earlier two experiences were quite satisfactory. This time, I was blank. I didn't bring anything for him, nor I had any questions to ask him or anything to say to him. I was captivated by the sight of his enthusiastic fans, many of whom were about to meet him for the very first time. The anticipation and a mix of emotions were palpable on their faces as they eagerly awaited their turn to interact with him. I couldn't help but reminisce about my own first encounter with him - a unique and incomparable experience. Despite the differences, we all shared a common bond of love and admiration for the person who had brought us together from all corners of the country. As he made his entrance, it felt like a character stepping out of the pages of a beloved book. Each person approached him, exchanged a few words, and moved on within a minute. Some left with elation evident in their jumps, while others were visibly moved to tears. A few were left speechless, struggling to comprehend that they had just met the renowned author, Ruskin Bond. As I stepped into the bookstore, I found myself at a loss for words. All I managed to say was, "Hello sir! Wish you a very happy birthday." He graciously thanked me, and I left with a sense of satisfaction.

Later, as I lay in bed reflecting on the day, I pondered why I had even gone to see him when I had nothing specific to say. It then struck me that simply being in his presence was indescribable. It wasn't about the words exchanged; it was about witnessing our cherished writer in high spirits. I made a decision to visit Mussoorie every time he made a public appearance for his fans, not to engage with him, but to bask in his aura. Seeing him surrounded by adoring fans, radiating joy, became the most fulfilling experience for me.

-Ekta Kubba
