Celebrating Ruskin Bond's Birthday


This year, on 19th May 2023, I met Ruskin Bond and wished him a happy birthday on behalf of the members of the fan group Ruskin, the Radiant Bond on Facebook. What a day it was! As soon as Mr Bond entered the scene, it was like he was coming directly out of the cover of a book. Such a charming and humble person! Always with a beautiful smile on his face. I am honoured that Mr Sunil Arora from Cambridge Book Depot, Mussoorie personally introduced me to Mr. Bond. And as soon as Ruskin sir heard the name of the group he at once said, "Yes, yes! I know you." And I almost lost my senses. Those two minutes with him were equal to a lifetime. I have got some unforgettable moments for life. This all has become possible because of the Cambridge Book Depot team, who treated me like a family member. The whole CBD team is very nice. All of them treat everyone with a smile on their face. They are truly spreading happiness.

Puffin launched a new book All-time Favourite Nature Stories on this occasion. The Puffin team also acknowledged the efforts of the group members. They had a nice chat with me about the group.

The book launch was followed by a cake-cutting ceremony. CBD arranged a beautiful and yummy cake along with snacks and sweets for everyone present at the event, including all the fans who came to wish their favourite author on his birthday.

All in all, the day was wonderful. I wish good health for Mr Bond. May he keep writing till eternity!

-Ekta Kubba
