A Sweet Surprise


How wonderful is the feeling when you get featured in a book! This book was got published by Cambridge Book Depot, Mussoorie in 2017. It includes the winning birthday wishes for Mr Bond in the year 2017. I was unaware of it until I visited CBD two days before Mr Bond's birthday this year when Mr Sunil Arora, the proprietor of Cambridge Book Depot gave this book in my hands to have a look. I was completely surprised to find my write-up in there. This gesture of the CBD team made me get back to my Facebook group Ruskin, the Radiant Bond where I was stepping in only occasionally to share a few links from other pages and groups. After thoroughly going through this book and recording it on my phone, I told Sunil sir that you have once again made me connect to the platform that I had created three years ago for the fans of Ruskin Bond. And, now, I want to continue sharing my thoughts about and my love for the writer who has made our lives beautiful.


-Ekta Kubba
