Uncles, Aunts and Elephants: A Ruskin Bond Treasury


There was 'A Little Friend' who ate bread crumbs,

He was 'My Best Friend' in London because we both were the lonesomes.


He reminded me of my friends- our gang of four feathers,

When we were in Simla and were the 'Boy Scouts Forever'.


Went into we jungle and tasted the 'Bitter Gooseberries'.

Whose 'Fragrance In The Air' was all over in the 'Garden of Memories'.


There was a 'Hill of Fairies' beside 'The Canal'

'The Good Earth' was calling us and our nostrils were smelling something royale.


There was a row of some odd cafes behind which was a 'Garden of a Thousand Trees',

'As a Boy' I was tempted to enter that bliss, and asked my pals, "Can we go there please?"


Our friend, the 'Boy in a Blue Pullover' entered 'In a Strange Cafè', and he walked slow,

'We Three' followed him and looked for a perfect seat 'In search of the Perfect Window'.


'A New Flower' was blooming near, for which words of praise I have none,

There were some lovely birds but I was waiting for the 'Return of The White Pigeon'.


The white pigeon was one among those I saw near 'Bhabhiji's House' where, I know, I always belong,

That house in Delhi was the one where I found that for me 'Love's a Sad Song'.


Suddenly, there was the 'Monkey trouble' that broke my spell,

And, I saw there were 'Miss Romola and Others', waiting for the breakfast bell.


And then there was 'A Knock at the Door' and 'Here Comes Mr. Oliver'.

He has 'The Eyes of the Eagle', so before he says something, we four saluted, "Good morning, sir!"


'Mr. Oliver's Diary' was opening to write down the names where he kept a bookmark,

"You shouldn't be roaming far away from the camp," 'He said it with Arsenic', but suddenly we all heard a dog bark.


There was 'The Black Cat' who had 'The Evil Eye',

'The Cat Has Something to Say' that made the dog bark and the 'White Mice' cry.


I thought 'If Mice Could Roar', the black cat would be frightened,

And if 'The Elephant and the Cassowary Bird' could become best friends, grandfather's life would be brightened.


Grandfather's memory reminded me of the day when 'Grandfather Fights an Ostrich',

The days were those when among 'Grandfather's Many Faces', there was the face of a Witch.


'Wilson's Bridge' was her home,

Where she could freely roam.


'The Demon Driver' was grandfather's one more disguise,

'Simla and Delhi, 1943' were his favorite places where he was seen in his car, touching the skies.


The waiter brought a plate of royale,

And to the memory land, I once again had a fall.


I remember my grandmother's words, 'Respect Your Breakfast'

Her thoughts, written all over the kitchen walls, were nothing but her kitchen life's gist.


She was as active as a kid, climbing the walls and the trees,

The thought of 'Granny's tree climbing' is what still makes me freeze.


I remember then our 'Escape from java',

Me, my father, and uncle Ken eating all the way sour guava.


'Uncle Ken's Rumble in the Jungle' was the talk of the town,

'Uncle Ken's Feathered Foes' made him a king with a feather crown.


He detests all but 'The Parrot Who Wouldn't Talk',

He pitied the 'Bird Life In The City' and to the wild he took his usual walk.


We finished the royale and came back to the Jungle.

A tiger was there as frightened of us as we were of him. We took a few steps back and said, "Good day to You, Uncle."


Memories are good. I love to go back to my past.

Now I live in Landour, where life is not so fast.


'April in Landour' was the time when I came here,

'Reading Was My Religion' and I had nothing else to go anywhere.


I love the mountain strolls and my hill movements,

Now I write about Uncles, Aunts, and Elephants.

-Ekta Kubba
