Some Books of Ruskin Bond for School Children


The digital world and progressions in technology have altered the way of life. But it has made students' life more competitive and full of anxiety and restlessness. To calm the mind, children's imagination needs to be channelized towards more comforting and simple things like the chatter of a stream, the chirping of birds, and various scents coming out of house kitchens and markets. Children need to know how to respect nature as well as human relations. Lockdown due to the coronavirus epidemic has enhanced the stress of school children who are now living a virtual school life, where they keep on studying without chilling out with friends and schoolmates during lunch break. Here are eight books by India's favorite oldest child Ruskin Bond, that can help school children to tranquilize their minds for a while and befriend some crazy, roguish, and imaginative children.

1. There are some feel-good stuff, places, and moments in everyone's life. The book, Getting Granny's Glasses, lets you live this feeling. The children can experience different colors of nature and learn to observe simple things around them that usually go unnoticed. Aren't kids and old-aged people alike? yes, they are. The joy of savoring the magnificence of nature has been best portrayed by Mr. Bond through granny. The book offers visual descriptions of life in the hills and shows the simplicity and care of humble hill folks amidst the harsh conditions in the hills.

2. Eyes of the Eagle depicts how responsible and strong the hill people are! They have to adapt themselves according to harsh climatic and high-altitude conditions. Their never-give-up attitude is the backdrop of this story. Set in the Tung valley, where Shiva resides in his highest abode, Tunganath temple, this book narrates the story of a boy Jai, his dog Motu, a few of his people, and their courageous attempts at saving their herd of sheep from the evil claws of a golden eagle and his mate.

3. Angry River has one river, an island, a girl, her grandparents, a boy, and a tree. That's all. Fighting for the necessities and fighting against the odds of nature is the essence of this book. The thing, that keeps the readers hooked to the book, is the aloofness of the setting, being away from the crowd and noise and modernity. The story reveals how impertinent nature can be! But what may come, the spirit of these people never lets them give up. Though the story is about the flooding of the island and its nearby villages, yet deeply it tells the struggle of people residing in these kinds of areas where the bare necessities of life are arduous to earn and present challenges to keeping life moving. The book is about the courage that these people exhibit in hard times and always start afresh after any kind of natural distress.

4. The Road to the Bazaar is a book packed with lively scenes of a small hill town in Northern India. Fed up with the humdrum of city life? No time to perceive the primitiveness of life? Go grab this book. This book lets the children experience the simple but exuberant life of a hill town. Some joyous children indulge in such mischievous and inventive activities that make life pleasant. You're going to experience an unusual zoo made in the backyard of a house; watch the race of some unusual animals (ahem! insects); some gossip full of laughter; music of the flute; and a day spent on an old tree. This book is everything that a child can imagine.

5. The Blue Umbrella is a delightful and fascinating story that teaches the virtues of benevolence, sacrifice, and letting go. It is tough to let go of what you love with passion, but keeping human relations above material fancies is what matters most. This is what Binya, the pretty and brave girl discovers at the end of the story. Her life was full of adventures after she gets her most dear possession, the blue umbrella. The way the beauty of the blue umbrella and everyone's longing for it is described shows the exceptional art of storytelling of Mr. Bond.

P.S. I wrote this article for to be published on their blog for Ruskin Bond's birthday in the year 2021.

-Ekta Kubba
