A Birthday Message From the Previous Year


From reading Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra to looking for more books, to becoming a book collector, to getting a book rack only for his books, to getting on a journey on a whim only to meet him (during the peak of demonetization), to creating a fan group on Facebook and bringing together thousands of like-minded fans on one platform, to spending sleepless nights only to finish reading his book and then writing about it, to having known the real meaning of happiness, I have journeyed a long way that seems to me a lifetime- a lifetime full of adventures and every shade of life. I have found solace in his writing when I most needed it. I have found the real me who is on a journey to catch the words to express what she feels. From a reader of only the popular mass fiction, I have found myself as a writer who is always eager to express herself on paper. As far as I recall, it also started with Mr Bond. The first note that I wrote creatively and from the deepest core of my heart was a few sentences about The Room on the Roof. I owe a lot to Mr Bond. He is the one who made me a reader, and he is the one who has taken me to the world of writing. I hope he keeps lending his hand to everyone who wishes to find solace and happiness from the world of writing. I wish him a very happy birthday and more days full of health, happiness, solitude, family, and paper & pen.

(19th May 2022)

-Ekta Kubba
